
Cruzcampo is one of the most popular brand beers in Spain. But also, one of the most controversial.

In southen Spain, we’re kind of a religion, but in the rest of tha country, we’re not.

Taking a look at their social media you could notice Cruzcampo’s reputation was at rock bottom.

The hate for the brand was the trendiest phenomenon. After a long long time on mute, the brand decided to fought back.

The idea

While most brands try to run away from criticism, we have decided to use it as the trigger of our entire communication.

We beat for a new packaging, a new product, and a weapon more powerful than a nuclear bomb: irony.

Our new campaign had an unusual protagonist: a hater. A character that when introduced to our new product, went though a huge metamorphosis; from hate to love Even becoming obsessed by it. In social media, we’ve created hundreds of real-time assets, that we prepared on real time for every campaign reaction, owning the conversation online.


Twitter stopped laughing at Cruzcampo, to laugh with Cruzcampo. And our campaing turn into a hit. Turning the brand into a Social Hero and having both lovers and hatersrooting for teh campaing. We owned hours of discussions in the radio and social media.

On record time, we’ve reached +20 million positive comments and our perceived quality increased. It was the most shared campaign in the brand’s history. And sales had a positive reach of more than 200%